05 September 2009

el centro: where the sun spends the winter

el centro (fondly called hell centro), california is the place i grew up. it's about 120 miles east of san diego in a desert 50 feet below sea level. according to an article written in january 2009, el centro has the second highest unemployment rate in all the united states - second only to yuma, arizona. el centro's claim to fame is - are you ready? - cher. that is correct. cher was born in el centro, so suck it all you jealous people.

besides cher, the imperial valley is also home to some very delicious treats. first and foremost is something called the special quesadilla. it's really just a fried tortilla stuffed with cheese, but i haven't been able to find this anywhere else in the united states. look how happy mike is digging in at christmastime last year.

next on the list is a delightful drink, which is actually non-alcoholic. although, from the rest of this blog, you may not believe it. here is the chili mango raspado, which i've found in other parts of the world, but they're never as good as this one from cuchi's.
something else i had during my most recent trip home was this chili-covered apple.

unfortunately, it was a little too salty for my taste, but my nephew seemed to enjoy it.

that's tristan sitting in the lavender bedroom i grew up in. i bet you like the wallpaper.

the other mexican food i miss from california is the fatty fried fish taco with a side of rice and refried beans probably cooked with lard...mmmm...

and finally, during my august trip, i kidnapped a small thing, so i wouldn't have to have one myself.

but then i gave her back. the dog's name is barney in honour of the real barney in my life...


  1. 1) i want a quesadilla and a chile covered apple. i will bring mexican candy for u to try wednesday =D

    2)you kidnapping that child...is ur way of saying..."it's about time"

    lol =D jk!
    no baby for u...for now..
    wait till i graduate damn it =D
